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How to Avoid Probate in Pennsylvania

By Kim M. Gillen, P.C. |

Probate is a court-supervised process that happens after someone passes away. During the probate process, the estate of the deceased is opened. The property within the estate is then analyzed, creditors can make claims to recover debt, and assets are distributed to beneficiaries. While sometimes necessary, probate is a lengthy process and it can… Read More »

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Can You Choose Your Own Doctor During a Workers’ Compensation Claim?

By Kim M. Gillen, P.C. |

You never expect to go to work and suffer a serious injury while you are there. In Pennsylvania, it happens all too often. Fortunately, most employees in the state are protected by workers’ compensation. Workers’ compensation will provide you with benefits for your medical expenses and a portion of your lost income after sustaining… Read More »

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When Should You Review Your Will?

By Kim M. Gillen, P.C. |

Drafting your will is a very responsible thing to do. However, you should not simply create your will, store it, and forget about it. Your will dictates how your property is distributed after you pass away. It can also serve other important purposes, such as outlining a guardian for your minor children. Generally speaking,… Read More »

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Can Children State a Preference in Custody Cases?

By Kim M. Gillen, P.C. |

It is true when they say that divorce is hardest on the kids. If your child has stated that they would rather live with you or their other parent, you may wonder if a judge will take their preference into consideration. You may think that if your child’s preference is taken into consideration, it… Read More »

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Common Myths About Divorce in Pennsylvania

By Kim M. Gillen, P.C. |

Ending a marriage and getting a divorce may seem like a fairly straightforward concept. However, the laws that govern the divorce process are complex and many people are unfamiliar with them. Additionally, many people going through the divorce process have known someone who has been through it before. These individuals may give well-intentioned advice,… Read More »

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Can I Get Workers’ Comp for Back Injuries in Pennsylvania?

By Kim M. Gillen, P.C. |

Accidents and occupational illnesses are still a problem in the workplace in Pennsylvania, and you might be surprised to learn the part of the body that is most affected by them. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that the leading reason workers miss work due to injuries is because of conditions affecting the… Read More »

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Three Things To Do When Served with a Restraining Order in Pennsylvania

By Kim M. Gillen, P.C. |

Pennsylvania laws are harsh when it comes to domestic violence, and the initial stages of the process are not favorable to the interests of a person accused of misconduct. Under the statute on Protection from Abuse (PFA), an accuser can file a petition on an emergency basis to get a restraining order against an… Read More »

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Create a Special Needs Trust via Your Will in Pennsylvania

By Kim M. Gillen, P.C. |

If you have a loved one with special needs, you may want to include provisions in your will that include financial support for that person after your passing. However, when an individual enjoys public assistance and benefits because of a disabling medical condition, there are financial factors for eligibility. You could disqualify your family… Read More »

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FAQs About Creditor Claims in Pennsylvania Probate Cases

By Kim M. Gillen, P.C. |

Creditors have rights with respect to the amounts due from a debtor, and these are not extinguished by the passing of the person who owed money. Upon death, an individual may owe on credit accounts, utilities, a mortgage, and many other bills. As such, as part of the key tasks of an estate administrator… Read More »

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Can a Grandparent Seek Custody or Visitation Rights With Their Grandchild in PA?

By Kim M. Gillen, P.C. |

Many grandparents form a close bond with their grandchildren. In some cases, that bond may be equal to–or even greater than–the child’s bond with one or both of their parents. But when it comes to legal matters like establishing child custody or visitation rights, what rights does a grandparent have under Pennsylvania law? Can… Read More »

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